Ultra-High Temperature and Heat Resistant Oil Wire Braided Hydraulic Hose

Ultra-High Temperature and Heat Resistant Oil Wire Braided Hydraulic Hose Applications:suitable for petroleum based hydraulic fluids used in ultra-high temperature

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SAE 100R19 Compact 1 and 2 steel Wire Reinforced Rubber Hoses

SAE 100R19 Compact 1 and 2 steel Wire Reinforced Rubber Hoses Applications:suitable for conveying petroleum oil and water-based and biodegradable hydraulic oil, to meet industrial demands for General

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Artery Wire Braid Hydraulic Rubber Hose

Artery Wire Braid Hydraulic Rubber Hose Applications:high pressure (over DIN / SAE standard 25%), pulse-resistant, low bending characteristics, is suitable for large construction machinery such as excavators

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Super Artery wire braided hose

Super Artery wire braided hose Applications:It is suitable for the transportation of water-based, petroleum-based hydraulic oil and biodegradable hydraulic oil in harsh working environments such as excavators and other construction machinery, construction machinery, mining machinery and agricultural machinery.

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